
الأرز البسمتي

أرز بسمتي عالي الجودة، مثالي للطبخ اليومي.

نصف كيلو

نقدم الأرز البسمتي الذي يتميز بنكهته الفريدة وقوامه الممتاز.

العدس الأحمر

عدس أحمر غني بالبروتين، مناسب للعديد من الوصفات.

نصف كيلو
الفول المجفف

فول مجفف عالي الجودة، مثالي للطبخ التقليدي.

نصف كيلو
الحمص الجاف
نصف كيلو

حمص جاف ممتاز، يستخدم في تحضير الحمص الشهي.

الفاصوليا البيضاء

فاصوليا بيضاء غنية بالألياف، مثالية للسلطات والأطباق.

نصف كيلو
نصف كيلو
اللوبيا الخضراء

لوبيا خضراء طازجة، تضيف نكهة مميزة للأطباق.

A market stall featuring a variety of legumes and grains displayed in yellow bowls on a blue counter. Behind the counter are stacked containers filled with different ingredients. A person, partially visible, appears to be interacting with another stall in the background.
A market stall featuring a variety of legumes and grains displayed in yellow bowls on a blue counter. Behind the counter are stacked containers filled with different ingredients. A person, partially visible, appears to be interacting with another stall in the background.

معرض المنتجات

استعرض تشكيلتنا المتنوعة من البقوليات الطبيعية عالية الجودة.

A close-up view of a large pile of fresh green peas, displaying their smooth, round shapes and vibrant green color.
A close-up view of a large pile of fresh green peas, displaying their smooth, round shapes and vibrant green color.
A large collection of fresh green peas tightly packed together. The peas are glossy and vibrant, suggesting freshness and natural texture.
A large collection of fresh green peas tightly packed together. The peas are glossy and vibrant, suggesting freshness and natural texture.
A close-up of a savory dish consisting of cooked chickpeas mixed with various vegetables and garnished with fresh herbs. The chickpeas are golden brown, and there are visible slices of onions and pieces of leafy cilantro. A whole green chili pepper is prominently displayed on top, adding vibrant color to the dish.
A close-up of a savory dish consisting of cooked chickpeas mixed with various vegetables and garnished with fresh herbs. The chickpeas are golden brown, and there are visible slices of onions and pieces of leafy cilantro. A whole green chili pepper is prominently displayed on top, adding vibrant color to the dish.
A close-up of numerous green peas with one open pea pod laid on top, revealing peas inside the pod. The peas are in varying shades of green with a soft, natural texture.
A close-up of numerous green peas with one open pea pod laid on top, revealing peas inside the pod. The peas are in varying shades of green with a soft, natural texture.

منتجات ممتازة وجودة عالية، تجربة تسوق رائعة مع ازاهير فودز، أنصح الجميع بالتجربة.

أحمد علي

Various sacks filled with different types of grains and legumes are displayed at a marketplace. Each sack is labeled with a price tag indicating the cost per kilogram. The assortment includes lentils, beans, and seeds in a variety of colors and textures.
Various sacks filled with different types of grains and legumes are displayed at a marketplace. Each sack is labeled with a price tag indicating the cost per kilogram. The assortment includes lentils, beans, and seeds in a variety of colors and textures.
A healthy bowl filled with various ingredients including chickpeas, green peas, corn, avocado, lettuce, red hummus, and flaxseeds. The bowl is set on a white fabric with a wooden spoon on the side. Nearby, there are lemon wedges on a small white dish.
A healthy bowl filled with various ingredients including chickpeas, green peas, corn, avocado, lettuce, red hummus, and flaxseeds. The bowl is set on a white fabric with a wooden spoon on the side. Nearby, there are lemon wedges on a small white dish.
